IOP’s Perspective on Marketing Communications and Sustainability
Effective marketing needs to consider sustainability challenges, and that need is only growing. But sustainability has never been part of the foundational principles of marketing. And, sustainability communicators have different priorities—environmental and social. What’s a brand to do?
Good marketing is marketing that’s a force for good across all dimensions. Not only a driver of growth, it can also be seen as enhancing performance across three different metrics—commercial, social and environmental. It isn’t always an easy fit.
But consumers and businesses are shifting their purchases toward products with environmental or social-related claims. McKinsey found a measurable boost for consumer goods from brands large and small that incorporate well-founded sustainability messages.
There has never been a more opportune time to integrate sustainability messages with your marketing and to tell your company’s sustainability story. When you align marketing, sustainability, and business strategy you minimize the backlash and maximize the benefits. As always, your company has to do the work to advance material, priority issues first and then communicate the actions and intentions. There is much to be gained:

Build your brand’s reputation.
Be sure you are doing what you say, and that any product or manufacturing claims support your overall strategy. When you are aligned and grounded in what matters to the business your decisions are made from a place of strength, and are less subject to the whims of social media. Focus on the things that have the greatest impact and benefits across the business and talk about them. This builds trust across all your stakeholders.
Connect to your customers and stakeholders emotionally.
Consider the head and the heart. People want to connect with brands they love, they want to feel part of something bigger. Are your messages uplifting? Providing correct information, data, and education is important, but it must be framed so that people care. Don’t overdo it though, over-wrought guilt-tripping is a no-go. Be sure you leave a good, lasting impression.
Gain competitive advantage.
There are many research studies that show companies with sustainability-aligned practices and policies do better. Plus, it can be a differentiator. Your company may be realizing benefits—from reducing energy use to less packaging and light-weighting to better product durability. That certainly creates the win-win, and you can share that with your customers, employees, and stakeholders.
Do the right thing.
It matters and it’s marketable. Support the community and make sure what your company stands for is reflected in all you say. Are all efforts aligned across your company to move the company, your customers and your industry toward sustainable practices? People trust brands more when they are recognized as ethical or sustainable by a reputable third party (source), so be a good corporate citizen, and let the world know.
The Takeaway
Be true to who your company is at its core. It’s a dynamic time and expectations and rules are ever-shifting. Greenwashing laws are happening in the UK, and communicators need to remain vigilant. Collaboration between marketing and sustainability communicators is needed now more than ever.
Ready to hire an expert? IOP can help.
Need help bringing your sustainability marketing and communications to life? With over 20 years of experience, we’re experts in sustainability and branded impact communications. We’ve written, designed, and developed many initiatives—websites, reports, and sustainability communications. Email us to discuss the options.
Photo by Alice Yamamura on Unsplash